There has been much excitement for Hinckley - Big Rock Middle School and High School FFA!
Friday September 27th, both middle school students and high school students teamed up to represent HBR FFA in the Homecoming Parade! Chickabitty Designs created a wonderful display of Tractors Throughout the Decades, putting an agricultural twist on this year’s theme.
Wednesday October 2nd, 4 freshmen and 1 sophomore traveled with Ms. Zoey Dye to Champaign, IL. During this trip, they visited Curtis Orchard & Pumpkin Patch where they examined the different varieties of apples and pumpkins grown in Central Illinois. They then toured Prairie Fruits & Creamery, which specializes in breeding and raising dairy goats, as well as producing fresh goat milk cheeses on location! For their final stop, they attended the FFA Greenhand Conference at the University of Illinois. This event is for first year members in FFA, challenging them in self-reflection, leadership, and meeting new friends.
Friday October 4th, HBR FFA hosted the Section 6 Land Use Career Development Event at Grunwald Farms Forest Preserve. All competing students enjoyed donuts provided by Kane County Farm Bureau, which has continued to show great support for Kane County FFA Chapters! This CDE tests student knowledge in identifying and evaluating various types of soils along with their uses. 7 Middle School students and 6 High School students competed in this event. The High School team placed 10th and the Middle School team placed 8th!
Use the link below to check out our HBR FFA Website!

Come out and support your Royals!!

Come out and support your Royals!!

HBR has the best!
#ThankAPrincipal #RoyalPride #CultivatingOurFuture

Come out and support!!

Order early and save!!

Congrats @Hinckley-Big Rock Middle School!
HBRMS is honored to win the @GreatSchools.org #ThriveAward24 for providing our school community with a positive, supportive learning environment! Learn more about the Thrive Award: https://bit.ly/3lSLL1C

We know, school just got out. Those of you though who like to get a jump start on the 24-25 school year we have our supply lists ready.

Registration night! If you'd like help registering your Royal for next school year, we will be here to help Thursday the 16th from 5-7 PM and Wednesday the 22nd from 3:30-5 PM in the High school cafeteria. All families are welcome! We hope to see you there!

Mark your calendars!!

Monday 4/29 is our Just Make it Happen-All School Assembly starting at 8:45, it is estimated to last 45 minutes to 1 hour. Any parents and/or guardians are welcome to attend. "This is an all school program designed to enrich and connect students, teachers and citizens via live music and education in America's amazing intersection of music with culture." A band of 17 musicians, 2 vocalists and 2 ballroom dancers will be a part of the program.

Last night at the April meeting, the HBR Board of Education gave a Royal Shout out to Mrs. Susan Clark and Mrs. Katie Claypool. Both of these women were recipients of the Dekalb County Excellence in Education award! They were honored and nominated by students Evelyn Murphy and Ingrid Martinez. Thank you for your service! #BeTheChange #TogetherWeAreHBR

Lowering the flags in honor of CPD Officer Huesca

In honor and remembrance of:

Enjoy the extra day!

Daddy Daughter Dance April 20th at HBRMS!

Saturday April 6th 4-8p.m.

Tonight March 19th, start time 6:00. Junior 10 Spelling Bee

We are seeking a candidate for a 2nd or mid shift custodian at HBRHS. Will be flexible with the hours. Please contact Megan at msheffer@hbr429.org for more information or to apply.

The Winner of the Design a T-Shirt contest has been chosen!
Congratulations to Sunny Brandonisio, a 6th Grade HBRMS student, for submitting the winning design!!
Thank you to all of our students who submitted designs. We loved seeing all of the creativity and fresh ideas!!