Check out our updated 2020-2021 Learning Plan by visiting If you want to learn more about the update, visit and read the recently released news story. #WeAreHBR #TogetherWeGotThis
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
HBR 2020-2021 Learning Plan
Check out this week's blog to gain insight from @HBR429Sup on the start of the year, upcoming communication, and some stats on Every Royal's Voice. #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Quote "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of good."
Check out the 429 Update for the month of August by visiting Don't forget to subscribe to our channel after viewing the update. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
HBR Graphic
Check out our first blog of the 2020-2021 school year brought to you by the students @HBRES429 - Thanks to everyone for your part in making the start of our year a great one. While certainly not perfect, we strive to thrive. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
Our FY21 tentative budget is on public display until our Budget Hearing at 6:15 pm on 9.23.2020 in the HBRHS library. The FY21 tentative budget can be viewed at, on our Business & Finance page, or by viewing the document in our district office. #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
Check out our updated 2020-2021 Learning Plan by visiting You can also view the news story with more information by visiting #WeAreHBR #ReadyToGo
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
2020-2021 Learning Plan
Interested in learning more about what meal service will look like as we start the 2020-2021 school year? Visit to learn more. #WeAreHBR #ReadyToGo
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
Arbor Management
Chromebook distribution for our students participating in full remote learning will take place Monday 8.17.20 and Tuesday 8.18.20 at the high school by the front entrance. Stop by between 8:30-9:30 a.m. or 2:30-3:30 p.m. to pick up your device. Students participating in AM/PM Hybrid learning will receive their Chromebooks during the first week of in-person school.
about 4 years ago, Dr. Jessica Sonntag
Check out our news story on the use of PickUp Patrol (@pickup_patrol) for information on our use of this tool for daily self-certification for at-home health screenings - #WeAreHBR #ReadyToGo
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
PickUp Patrol Logo
Welcome Back Staff
about 4 years ago, Jeff Strouss
Teachers talking about Social Emotion Learning
New certified staff learning about downstairs and upstairs brain as we focus on social emotional support for our students and each other. Day two of orientation is underway with lots of learning provided by @HBR429SpecEd. #WeAreHBR #ReadyToGo
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
New Teacher Orientatiom
We are excited to meet with our new certified staff over the next two days as we prepare for the 2020-2021 school year. How to be the ideal team player will be one of many topics. #WeAreHBR #ReadyToGo
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
Ideal Team Player Venn Diagram
Check out our updated 2020-2021 Learning Plan by visiting You can also view the news story with more information by visiting #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, HBR CUSD #429
HBR 2020-2021 Learning Plan
After reviewing the most recent recommendations from the IL State Board of Ed, we are working on revising our 2020-2021 Learning Plan to include a remote option for any family upon request. A follow up survey will be shared. This Friday is our target date.
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
Thank you to all of our HBR families who have completed the enrollment survey! If you haven’t submitted your survey yet, please complete it by the end of the day tomorrow,Sunday 7/26/20 to assist us with planning AM/PM cohorts, transportation and meal service.
about 4 years ago, Admin
We have created a Frequently Asked Questions document to accompany our 2020-2021 Learning Plan for our parents and community. We will update it as new questions come in. You can access the document at: #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, Admin
Check out the Hinckley-Big Rock CUSD #429 goals and tasks for the 2020-2021 school year by visiting The progress on these goals will be updated in October. #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, Dr. McGuire
HBR District Goals
Do you need help setting up the notifications on your HBR app? Check out the infographic below. #WeAreHBR
about 4 years ago, Admin
app notification
HBR Parents & Guardians: Thank you for your continued support as we prepare for the start of the 20-21 school year. As stated upon the release of the HBR 20-21 Learning Plan last Friday, we are asking all HBR families to complete this survey to help us plan for attendance, transportation, and meal service. We ask that you complete the survey by the end of the day, Sunday 7/26/20. This timeline will assist us in creating our AM/PM cohorts and notifying parents of this information by August 3, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Dr. Jessica Sonntag
Staff & Students did a great job practicing social distancing and wearing their masks today! Great job Royals!
about 4 years ago, Admin
summer school
summer school
summer school
summer school