Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post to gain insight about the happenings @HBRMS429 from Mr. Strouss - https://tinyurl.com/HBR-Blogspot. #WeAreHBR #ReadyToGo

Check out our updated 21-22 District Goals by visiting https://www.hbr429.org/page/hbr-district-goals-2021-2022. #WeAreHBR #ContinualImprovement

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post to gain insight about this year's New-to-HBR staff @HBRHS429 - https://tinyurl.com/HBR-Blogspot. #WeAreHBR #ReadyToGo

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post to gain insight about this year's @HBRMS429 Snake Road Outdoor Education Program - https://tinyurl.com/HBR-Blogspot. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Interested in digital safety? See the IL Attorney General's infographic & meeting links:
10.7.21 - https://ilattorneygeneral-gov.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_laRxtJ6GROyLv6-40cRBmg
10.28.21 - https://ilattorneygeneral-gov.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tjUfeEYKRiGulb8DhQ-PeQ

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post to gain insight about our 6 new teachers @HBRES429 - https://tinyurl.com/HBR-Blogspot. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post to gain insight from @HBRCUSD429 Multilingual Teacher, Susan Clark, on her new role - https://tinyurl.com/HBR-Blogspot. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Immediate Hiring Need: HBRMS Hinckley-Big Rock Middle School has an immediate need to hire for a paraprofessional position to support students across the building. Paraprofessionals work with students 1:1 and in small groups to support academic and social/emotional development. Come work with a great team! Contact Dr. Jessica Sonntag (jsonntag@hbr429.org) or Jeff Strouss (jstrouss@hbr429.org) for more information.

The HBR Board of Education will hold a public hearing on the FY22 budget on 9.22.1 at 6:15 pm in the HBRHS library. Public attendance is allowed. If you do plan on attending in person, masks must be worn at all times. To view the agenda, visit https://tinyurl.com/HBRAgenda.

As a result of Hinckley-Big Rock CUSD #429 being in Region 1 of Illinois and that region being in Phase 5, public comment for the September 22nd Regular Board Meeting can be made by visiting https://tinyurl.com/HBR9-22PC. The HBR Board of Education will meet in person on September 22nd at 6:30 pm in the HBRHS library. Public attendance is allowed. If you do plan on attending in person, masks must be worn at all times. The meeting will also be live streamed to the general public on our YouTube channel - https://tinyurl.com/HBRYouTube. To view the agenda, visit https://tinyurl.com/HBRAgenda. #WeAreHBR #TogetherWeGotThis

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post to gain insight from @HBRHS429 Principal, Mr. Kriesch, on new opportunities and cherished traditions - https://tinyurl.com/HBR-Blogspot. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post to gain some advice from an @HBRHS429 student - https://tinyurl.com/HBR-Blogspot. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride

Check out this week's Every Royal's Voice blog post to get answers to "Why HBR" with a vlog created and edited by @HBRES429 5th graders - https://tinyurl.com/HBR-Blogspot. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride

We Need You!
Hinckley-Big Rock Elementary School is hiring a Student Health Aide to work with an individual student. Qualified candidates will hold a CNA license.
Hinckley-Big Rock School District is looking to create a pool of Substitute Nurses. Qualified candidates will hold a RN license.
Contact Dr. Sonntag, jsonntag@hbr429.org, for more details!

Check out this important information concerning the transportation of our students. #WeAreHBR #TogetherWeGotThis

Reminder: This event is Wednesday! Open to parents of all ages.

Do you want to make a difference? Do you like to drive? Do you want to join a great team? If so, then we need you! #WeAreHBR

It's been a great first week of school at HBR! Check out the first Every Royal's Voice blog post of the 2021-2022 school year to gain perspective from @HBRCUSD429 Superintendent, Travis McGuire - https://tinyurl.com/HBR-8-20-Blog. #WeAreHBR #RoyalPride #ReadyToGo

Come visit us at the Hinckley Business Association for fun connections, games, and giveaways.

Interested in our communication plan for the 1st semester of the 2021-2022 school year? Check out our 2021-2022 Community Education and Engagement Plan, hot off the press! https://5il.co/xe9n #WeAreHBR #TogetherWeGotThis