We're spreading Kindness at HBRHS! Join us for our spirit days next week and some fun activities during lunches!
about 1 hour ago, Jenn Porter
Kindness Week
NHS is providing care so you can have a date night! See the flyer for more details!
3 days ago, Jenn Porter
If your student is interested in attending ACT Prep help sessions, check out the flyer below! These sessions are run by our HBRHS Staff and are completely free to our students!
4 days ago, Jenn Porter
UPDATE: Senior Recognition tonight is for Girls Basketball, Academic Bowl, Chess and Band. Recognition starts at 6:45, parents/students please be here by 6:30. There is NO JV game tonight. Varsity will start at 7pm as scheduled.
4 days ago, Jenn Porter
Congratulations Royals! A send off will happen next week as our Chess team heads to State on February 14th! More details to come.
4 days ago, Jenn Porter
Reminder: Our first Senior Recognition will be held tonight for our Girls Basketball, Band, Chess and Academic Bowl members! Come on out and support our seniors and Lady Royals as they face off against Newark! Games start at 5:30!
4 days ago, Jenn Porter
Who wants fresh strawberries?? Hinckley - Big Rock FFA Alumni is excited to be holding our 4th Annual FRESH FLORIDA STRAWBERRY FUNDRAISER!!! These berries will be picked, cooled, and put straight on the truck for delivery to the Hinckley - Big Rock High School! They will be arriving to the HBRHS Ag Shop the week of March 3rd. The Alumni will be calling all customers for immediate pick - up for optimal freshness. Proceeds will benefit the Ag Education Building Project and scholarships for HBR FFA students.
7 days ago, Zoey Dye
HBR FFA Alumni Strawberry Sales
Please join us February 14th for Senior Recognition Night and a Pasta night! Please see the flyer attached below.
8 days ago, Kristin Langston
Pasta Night
Correction: Join us for our Senior Recognitions! Girls Basketball, Academic Bowl, Chess and Band will be honored at our home Girls Basketball game on 2/3! Boys Basketball, Cheer and Dance will be honored on 2/14 at our home Boys Basketball game!
9 days ago, Kristin Langston
At our home Boys Basketball game last night, the players recognized teachers and staff that have made a positive impact on them. #ProudRoyals
14 days ago, Jenn Porter
Save the date! And check your email for more details!
16 days ago, Jenn Porter
PT Conf
Due to the predicted extreme cold temperatures, tomorrow, January 21, 2025, will be an e-learning day for HBR students.
18 days ago, Admin
e-learning day
Congratulations Anna Herrmann!!! Anna reached 1,000 points in her basketball career last night at Indian Creek!! Way to go Anna!
24 days ago, Kristin Langston
The HBRHS Chess Team won 2 of their 4 matches at the Joliet Central Chess Tournament. Nathan Schlachter and Jonah Challender earned individual medals on their respective boards.
25 days ago, Kristin Langston
A big congratulations to Matt and Chris Weibler. Over the weekend Matt and Chris participated in the Snowshoe Regional and brought home 6 gold medals!!! Way to go!!
25 days ago, Kristin Langston
Matt and Chris
We need Substitute Teachers and Teacher Assistants! Please consider coming to one of our informational sessions. We will provide training and assist you in applying for your license. RSVP to jsonntag@hbr429.org. #TogetherWeAreHBR
25 days ago, Admin
sub training
Hinckley - Big Rock FFA is back in action after a joyful Winter Break! Here is a look into our major events for Spring 2025. There is a lot of excitement to come our way!
28 days ago, Zoey Dye
Spring 2025 FFA Events
It's a winter wonderland! Tonight's basketball theme is White Out! Drive safe Royals!
28 days ago, Jenn Porter
White Out
Congratulations to our Winter Outstanding IVVC students!!!
29 days ago, Kristin Langston
Please see the linked update from our Health Office! https://www.hbr429.org/page/district-nurse
about 1 month ago, Jenn Porter