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Recently, parachute day was happening in P.E.  I instantly got flashbacks to my time as a student. I felt such happiness when I danced under the kaleidoscope of colors. Every coworker I talked to that day had the same response as I did– joy. It got me thinking of my own experiences in school. What was the most memorable moment? Why did I love coming back every day? What made me have such a love of reading and writing? The answer was simple, I had teachers that had a passion for learning and shared that with their students. That’s what I see at HBR. Yes, there are times when we feel like we can’t get our footing in the deep end, but we work together to help each other succeed. The friendships and bonds I have created with all of my teammates are unlike anything I have previously experienced. You all have welcomed me with open arms and have shown such care and compassion toward me and I couldn’t be more thankful. 

Joining the HBR team was a breath of fresh air. After jumping around buildings in my old district, it’s nice to finally feel I have a place somewhere. Before HBR, I taught preschool for 4 years, first grade for one, and middle school self-contained for two years. To say that I am happy to be back with my littles is an understatement. While I am thankful for the knowledge and background from CCSD 301, HBR has provided me with many more opportunities in a short time. 

The best opportunity I have had is launching March Book Madness. I am most thankful for the support that I have received; Many of you reached out to me willing to read a book or help with the set-up. Your thoughtfulness does not go unnoticed. To me, March Book Madness is a way to get everyone excited about books. No matter who you are, you’re bound to love a read-aloud. That’s why I am so passionate about this project, because even those students who have difficulty reading on their own, can enjoy any of these books. A huge shout out to our PTO for purchasing a copy of each book for the library. Giving students access to high-quality books is so important in jump-starting a love of reading. Happy Reading, Royals!